Jumat, 17 Juli 2020

October 9, 2010: Oven-Baked Taro Chips

lab culinary competition.  I briefly considered trying my mitt at a taro-based dessert but preferred to create something simpler where I powerfulness teach a clearer gustation of the vegetable itself.

So I made taro chips! I wussed out of deep-frying, only slicing the peeled taro thinly too baking it alongside a spray of petroleum too a picayune tabular array salt (Martha Stewart promised it would work). They ask a careful oculus on them to avoid burning; cutting them all to the same thickness helps too. I was pleased only how crunchy fifty-fifty these oven-baked chips were. Like the choko, they didn't actually convey a smasher flavor - they were only starchy, salty, crunchy too fun.

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