Kamis, 16 Juli 2020

January 22, 2011: Char Koay Teow

cooking class at LaZaT to base of operations things on, but it turned into a chip of a freestyle exercise, alongside Cindy directing as well as me doing almost of the manual labour. It was a fair chip of work- for optimal wokking, nosotros did things inwards a couplet of batches - but good worth the effort. We ended upwards alongside a massive pile of delicious noodles as well as veggies, which made many outstanding lunches through the week.

We constitute some fresh CKT noodles inwards the refrigerator at Mix Oriental Supermarket inwards Barkly Square, which were in all probability the cardinal argue that this dish turned out hence good - they were much ameliorate than the dry out ones that we've used inwards the past. We equally good lay some eggs inwards ours - they are really first-class inwards CKT - I'd last interested to hither whether in that place are skilful vegan substitutes, or if they simply teach left out.

Char Koay Teow
(adapted from a LaZaT recipe)

500g fresh CKT noodles (wide, apartment rice noodles)
300g smoked tofu as well as 300g fresh tofu, cubed
1 carrot, sliced into fine sticks
1 big handful of beans, trimmed as well as halved
1 big handful of edible bean sprouts
1 bunch chives, sliced into 2-3cm pieces
four garlic cloves
2 tablespoons sambal
four eggs
four tablespoons peanut oil

four tablespoons tamari
2 tablespoons kecap manis
2 tablespoons water
1 teaspoon salt

Soak your noodles inwards hot water, making certain they all separate nicely, drain as well as laid aside.

Heat 2 tablespoons of the fossil oil inwards your wok as well as stir tiddler all the tofu until it gets a dainty crispiness going as well as starts to chocolate-brown a little. Remove it all from the wok as well as laid aside.

From hither on in, nosotros did everything inwards ii batches - everything plant ameliorate if y'all accept infinite inwards your wok, hence splitting things inwards one-half is a skilful move.

Add one-half the garlic as well as a splash of fossil oil as well as to the wok as well as stir-fry, until the garlic turns a chip golden. Stir inwards one-half the sambal as well as tiddler for a few minutes.

Add one-half the carrots as well as beans, equally good equally one-half the noodles, as well as stir from for a couplet of minutes.

Add one-half the tofu dorsum in, pour inwards one-half the seasoning as well as laid upwards on high rut for some other infinitesimal or so.

Spread the noodles to a greater extent than or less the side of the wok hence you've got a niggling gap inwards the middle. Pour inwards a tiny chip of peanut fossil oil as well as and hence fissure ii of the eggs into the oil. Scrape the noodles dorsum over the superlative of the eggs as well as permit them laid upwards for a couplet of minutes, hence that they set.

Once the eggs are set, stir everything thoroughly, add together inwards the chives as well as sprouts, tiddler for some other infinitesimal or hence as well as and hence withdraw from the wok as well as repeat the whole procedure again.

I constitute this fifty-fifty ameliorate alongside a squirt of Sriracha hot sauce stirred through, but Cindy enjoyed hers without the require for extra heat.

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