Cindy in addition to I got the opening hours of Las Vegan incorrect in addition to establish ourselves inwards ask of a feed at the placidity destination of Smith Street. Our final few meals had been Mexican-inspired then Trippytaco was, for once, off the menu. Lucky for us, Konjo was sitting quietly side past times side to Las Vegan amongst tables to spare in addition to enough of veg carte items. Ethiopian vegetarian nutrient seems pretty similar betwixt restaurants: dissever pea in addition to lentil stews amongst diverse spices, served on transcend of injera. We've had fun amongst it before, but you're never probable to last surprised. Konjo made things easier for us past times offering a Beyeinatu combination: iii lentil dishes in addition to a turmeric-y dish of cabbage, carrot, murphy in addition to onion served on a big injera plate ($14.50 each).
Kono is a cute niggling place, though it lacks the atmosphere of The Horn or the cheapness of Cafe Lalibela. The service is friendly in addition to the carte provides decent vegetarian options, but Konjo shares Smith Street amongst approximately of the best vego places inwards Melbourne then I'm non certain we'll render besides quickly.
Foodie Dreams are the alone other bloggers who bring made the trip to Konjo then far.
Konjo Ethiopian Restaurant
xx Smith St, Collingwood
9419 5713
Vegie mains: $15, combo: $14.50
Unlicensed (no BYO)
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